Samsung’s new PRO series tablet ad takes a hit at iPad, Kindle and Surface tablet

Check out Samsung’s latest ad of the Galaxy PRO series tablet taking a hit at the Apple iPad, Amazon Kindle and Windows Surface tablet.

Samsung Electronics had unveiled four new tablets, the Samsung Galaxy TabPRO in 12.2, 10.1, 8.4 inch models and NotePRO 12.2 inch model at CES 2014 in Las Vegas. To read more about it, visit here

You will see different scenarios, how Samsung’s PRO series tablet wins over the others when comes to multitasking, portability, display and design.

In first scene, both the guys are having a conference on skype and guy with Samsung tablet is able to send files while attending a video call.

Scene 1 - Apple iPad v/s Samsung PRO tablet

Scene 1 – Apple iPad v/s Samsung PRO tablet

In second scene, the Surface tablet is said to resemble a laptop with attached keyboard, battery dock and a mouse, isn’t that funny, so the Samsung PRO tablet wins again.

In third scene, four ladies are reading e-books on their tablets, but didn’t find the book interesting. The lady using Samsung tablet suggests searching on YouTube and uses Samsung multi-tasking window feature to do so. The lady holding Amazon Kindle is amazed and says, “ the Kindle can only read books.”

Finally it comes to display and Samsung is said to have better pixels and it also does better than retina display.  Samsung Galaxy PRO series tablet gives a resolution of  2560 x 1600 pixels.

Well Samsung has started a revolution and lets see what other brands have to say too.

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